- lower bottom
- нижнее днище
bottom jib — нижний бар
bottom cut — нижний вруб
bottom blade — нижний нож
bottom box — нижняя опока
bottom die — нижний штамп
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific. 2015.
bottom jib — нижний бар
bottom cut — нижний вруб
bottom blade — нижний нож
bottom box — нижняя опока
bottom die — нижний штамп
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific. 2015.
bottom fishing — ˈbottom ˌfishing noun [uncountable] the activity of buying shares in companies when the price is very low, and is not likely to become lower: • Bottom fishing can be a risky business, because shares are usually sold cheaply for a reason. * * *… … Financial and business terms
Bottom bracket — A square taper cartridge bottom bracket. The bottom bracket on a bicycle connects the crankset to the bicycle and allows the crankset to rotate freely. It contains a spindle that the crankset attaches to, and the bearings that allow the spindle… … Wikipedia
Lower Bottoms, Oakland, California — The Lower Bottoms (also known as The Bottoms [cite news url=http://sfgate.com/cgi bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2007/01/21/CMG93N6V7B1.DTL title=Against Gentrification: Marcel Diallo sees a black cultural district where Oakland s the Bottoms… … Wikipedia
Bottom water — is the lowermost water mass in a water body, by its bottom, with distinct characteristics, in terms of physics, chemistry, and ecology.OceanologyIn oceanology, bottom water is by the ocean floor. It has characteristics are markedly distinct from… … Wikipedia
Bottom — Bot tom (b[o^]t t[u^]m), n. [OE. botum, botme, AS. botm; akin to OS. bodom, D. bodem, OHG. podam, G. boden, Icel. botn, Sw. botten, Dan. bund (for budn), L. fundus (for fudnus), Gr. pyqmh n (for fyqmh n), Skr. budhna (for bhudhna), and Ir. bonn… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
bottom — ► NOUN 1) the lowest point or part of something. 2) the furthest point or part of something. 3) the lowest position in a competition or ranking. 4) chiefly Brit. a person s buttocks. 5) (also bottoms) the lower half of a two piece garment. ► ADJE … English terms dictionary
bottom — [bät′əm] n. [ME botme < OE botm, bodan, ground, soil < IE * bhudh men < base * bhudh > L fundus, ground, Gr pythmen, bottom, Ger boden] 1. the lowest part 2. a) the lowest or last place or position [the bottom of the class] b)… … English World dictionary
Lower shoreface — refers to the portion of the seafloor that lies below everyday wave base (see also upper shoreface). In this portion of the coastal environment, only the larger waves produced during storms have the power to agitate the sea bottom. Between storms … Wikipedia
lower part — lower section, bottom … English contemporary dictionary
lower lip — bottom lip … English contemporary dictionary
Bottom trawling — The Celtic Explorer, a research vessel engaged in bottom trawling … Wikipedia